Welcome to the game.

First of all, I would like to thank again to everyone who took part in the Destination Unknown series. If you don’t know what it is, check my blog if you liked it then I invite you to join a new series. To many of you, these might be tiny numbers but I’m happy that all together we got 309 likes and 361 comments especially when I didn’t expect this thing to work at all. I have decided to finish this project early as I treated it as a beta. (It ended with a potential to continue so you never know.)

For the next challenge/series whatever you want to call it I wanted to set defined rules to improve, unfortunately, the rules and ideas I had turned out to just cause problems when applied to a group of writers and work better on a book with one author. Then Enni messaged me that she has a short intro ready that we could use for the next challenge threw all my ideas out the window, surprisingly that helped. I had to re-think everything and probably improvise along the way, if you have any ideas for improvements please comment below and we will consider it before we start. Here is what Enni wrote

‘Mommy, please save me, they will eat my soul’ I cried over my phone
‘Honey, don’t lose hope Momma will be there. Keep your tracking device on’

I kept the tracking device on for my parents to search and make me free from these Ha-la-lau, that’s what they call themselves. I don’t know from where they come. All I know they capture humans, after torturing them they eat their souls. They think this will save their civilization.

Oh No! these EM waves from their ship, My tracker. I wobble it high in the air. It lost the signal. My Freedom is in your hand…

As you can see it will be likely sci-fi, or a demonic cult with high-end tech, same thing. I would like to tell me as whom you would like to write, enter the role of the teenage child and the parents or as a third party helping the parents to find the child.

The rules as for now there are not many.

Minimum of 600 words per part. If for some reason you kill all the main characters you need to introduce a new character to replace them. And that is pretty much it because YOU make it interesting by adding your own style and plot twists.

I would like it to make it 20 parts long with preferably 10 writers. I am not sure if I will be writing parts myself, it depends on the flow of the story. Instead, I will be playing sometimes with you sometimes against you, sort of a wild card, a watcher. I will drop a clue, a secret message to help you reach your goal but foremost to make you think and research things to be able to continue, for example, a coded message that you will have to find a key online to decipher it or just co-ordinates to a location. I also might hurt, trap or kill a character. To avoid unnecessary amount of posts from my side I will drop the messages in the comments and your emails. Hopefully, the authors from previous challenge return, If you are new and want to join please do, and if you know someone who might like it let them know.

Please comment below with tips and to join and we will assign parts to the people. I feel like I forgot the most important part for new people, the idea is simple, one person writes a story and drops it and some interesting point then you pick up where he left off and continue it in your own way, then drop it for another person.

Ah yes, this is the intro, we need a name for the series, it’s not out of laziness but out of respect for you that I would like you all to come up with a suitable name.


Photo by Antonello Crippa

Author: Bartek D

Starting my first blog Penumbra. Read the introduction in the beginning to find out whats it all about and who am I.

35 thoughts on “Welcome to the game.”

  1. Oh yeah the war has begun …… warriors are ready, pen is in their hand …… let’s get it …….

    Thank u so much Bartek ….. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 a second before my mood was hell and now I’m so happy

    Ohk now jump on the rules they are good but yeah I wanna add we all give twist and turns to the story but keep in mind that we have to end the story in 20 chapters …. so all the twist must should be taking us to the end of the story 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

    And the writer from the last part will give a base or kinda small challenge so that , it will create a base for the next part

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds interesting and sci-fi!! In my opinion, a third party character coming in and aiding the parents finding the child would be cool, could leave it more open but I’m open to whatever, I can usually adapt. I’m not good with titles but I was thinking “You Reap what you Soul” 🙂. Thanks for the invite!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Everybody is uncertain if they want to join so maybe they will decide when it unfolds a little. I decided to let the ladies go first. Hopefully Enni will do the first part to give the right direction than you and 3rd will be Jokerswild.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, I mean the idea, I first tried it with the Destination Unknown, surprisingly it worked very well no I want to play with it and improve it, this into is from Enni but the idea is mine, I’m thinking of some multi author ebooks in the future.

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